Why and How to Migrate from Oracle to PostgreSQL

Why and How to Migrate from Oracle to PostgreSQL

Why and How to Migrate from Oracle to PostgreSQL: This blog explores the key considerations when migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL, including cost savings, scalability, and performance benefits. We’ll compare Oracle and PostgreSQL, outlining differences in licensing, features, and flexibility. Learn about the step-by-step migration process, from data transfer to

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Load Balancing & Data Lake Access: Optimizing HA-DR in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Introduction: A leading pharmaceutical company, entrusted us with configuring a High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HA-DR) setup. This project aimed to minimize downtime, optimize system performance, and establish a robust disaster recovery mechanism……… [snippet case-study Name=”Load Balancing & Data Lake Access: Optimizing HA-DR in the Pharmaceutical Industry”]

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Cloud Migration for a Banking Institution

Introduction A large banking institution with on-premise databases and application servers was facing a number of challenges with their on-premises infrastructure.   [snippet case-study Name=”Cloud Migration for a Banking Institution”]    

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