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Database Managed Services

Flexible and Reliable Database Services

Database Managed Services

Supercharging Your Databases with Simple Logic’s Database Managed Services

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses are entrusted with managing vast amounts of data to fuel their operations, innovation, and decision-making. Effective database management is not just a necessity; it’s a competitive advantage.

At Simple Logic, we understand the critical role that database management systems play in your organization’s success. With our top-tier Database Managed Services, we offer a comprehensive solution that empowers businesses to harness the full potential of their data, ensuring seamless operations and informed decision-making.

Our Offerings

Empowering the data landscape with full
spectrum Database Managed Services

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

  • Oracle Database Management
  • SQL Server Database Management
  • MySQL Database Management
  • PostgreSQL Database Management
  • MongoDB Database Management

Open-Source Database

  • User Management
  • Table level schema level restoration
  • Optimized Parameters Configuration
  • Customized Audit Set up
  • Customized Backup Schedule
  • Performance Tuning
  • Clustering

Database Security and Compliance

  • Data Encryption and Security
  • Compliance Auditing and Reporting
  • Access Control and User Permissions
  • Security Policy Development
  • Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation

Data Backup and Recovery

  • Data Backup Strategies
  • Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Regular Backup Monitoring
  • Data Restoration Services
  • Backup Testing and Validation

Data Migration

  • Legacy System Migration
  • On-Premises to Cloud Migration
  • Database Version Upgrades
  • Cross-Platform Data Migration

Turning data challenges into competitive advantages

Enhanced Data Performance

With our skilled management and fine-tuning, your databases will work at their best, making your data searches quicker and your overall system performance better.

Robust Data Security

Your information is crucial to us, like a valuable possession. We take strong security measures and strictly follow rules to make sure it stays safe from any potential risks or unauthorized access.

Cost Efficiency

We save money by taking care of our systems in advance and making sure they run smoothly. This means we prevent expensive outages and keep our data safe and reliable.

Dedicated Support

Our constant watch and support around the clock mean you can count on us as a reliable partner. We make sure everything runs smoothly, and if any problems come up, we fix them fast.

Data-Driven Decisions

Having easy access to well-organized and readily available data gives your business the ability to make smart decisions. This, in turn, paves the way for strategic growth.

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Reliable Database Managed Services at Your Fingertips

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